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What is Sea Moss?

Sea moss is an alga that naturally grows in the cold Atlantic waters is native to the water belt between North America and Europe. 

It is considered a "superfood" as it provides at least 92 out of the 102 vital minerals for the human body. It is also a dense source of vitamins.

Depending upon the temperature of water and drying method, sea moss comes in different colours, each containing all the general sea moss benefits but with some advantage over the other.

Sea moss can be consumed as sea moss gel, sea moss powder, or sea moss capsules, but the gel form is the best way to take it. Here is why...

Why Sea Moss Gel?

Sea moss gel is the most effective way to get sea moss benefits as the method allows minimum mineral loss. Producing sea moss capsules and sea moss powder is not only a cost-effective way but also allows longer storage. But as Seapreme believes in community building and believes in providing the best and organic solution to the consumers, we decided to take the hard path. Our sea moss gel has the following benefits over the other forms of sea moss like sea moss powder and sea moss capsules:

* It has the most efficacy

* it is easy to consume

* It can be consumed in a number of ways

* You can also apply it to hair and skin for direct benefitsIt mellows down the sea taste for those who want benefits but not the flavourChildren prefer it over sea moss capsules

How Our Sea Moss Gel is Produced?

Seapreme believes that no community can survive without transparency. Hence, it is important on our part to disclose how we prepare our sea moss gel and what makes it better than other products.

* We only use wildcrafted sea moss, which is authentic seaweed and has all the benefits.

* We do not bleach our sea moss and naturally dry it.

* We use alkaline water for thorough rinsing off our sea moss to make sure there are no debris, sand, or impurities, and that you are only consuming the organic superfood.

* We soak our sea moss in alkaline water with key limes and then use fresh alkaline water for blending to ensure there are no impurities in the process.

* We maintain optimum temperature for our sea moss, from ocean to sea moss gel, to prevent loss of nutrients.

* We store our sea moss gel in environment-friendly jars without artificial additives and preservatives.

Why Should You Use Sea Moss Gel?

If the fact that sea moss is a legit mineral mine with 92 out of 102 essential minerals is not enough, here are some reasons you should not miss on making our sea moss gel a regular part of your diet:

Sea Moss Benefits:

* Better energy levels and body functioning

* Strong immune response against diseases

* Anti-inflammatory and mucus reduction properties

* Rich in antioxidants

* Improves skin and hair health for a younger look

* Improves blood circulation and boosts cardiovascular health

* Improves brain functions

* Improves gut health and helps regulate metabolism

* Helps in weight loss by improving blood sugar levels

* Improves libido and sexual performance

* Boosts fertility and strengthens the reproductive system

* Beneficial for all age groups and can be consumed daily

Why Seapreme?

Sea moss benefits are no secret, and many businesses are making a profit off of it. The profits have led to tampering with nature's gift as people are now farming fake sea moss in pools that do not carry any of the minerals that come from the oceans.

They are also bleaching their sea moss to artificially remove its pigment without waiting for natural sun drying in an attempt to meet the increasing demand. They also use unsuitable water to make sea moss gel and use additives, flavours, and preservatives for longer shelf-life that destroys the natural composition.

At Seapreme, we are a community of like-minded people who believe in growing together and looking out for each other. We only use wildcrafted sea moss from the ocean after natural sun drying and wash it with alkaline water to treat it properly.

We do not add any artificial additives and preservatives and deliver pure and organic sea moss gel to you in its most natural composition.

Moreover, we also have our Mosscription offering to further facilitate our community, through which you can get regular delivery of your prescribed dose and your type of sea moss gel without any hassle.

We have also designed a reward program to encourage our community's participation in a healthy lifestyle. You can earn reward points and get many benefits.

Buy Sea Moss Gel Online

Boost your immunity, increase sexual health and enjoy a better life with our sea moss gel. Order now!

Have any questions regarding our products? Contact us now & let our experts guide you about which sea moss gel is the best for you, how you should consume sea moss, and how much sea moss gel you should take daily.